蒲吉斌 研究员 博导
海洋关键材料全国重点实验室 主任
电子邮件: pujibin@nimte.ac.cn
通信地址: 宁波市镇海区中官西路1219号
- 海洋环境多场耦合损伤机理及功能防护涂层设计及表/界面调控
- 海洋环境多主元合金(高熵、非晶等)防护涂层设计、制备及性能
- 四代核反应堆环境材料损伤与表面改性防护涂层
- 耐磨蚀等功能防护涂层、超高速激光熔覆沉积技术研究
- 特种耐蚀合金材料(高熵、钛合金、镍基合金)、结构与功能一体化3D打印技术研究
2015-09~至今, 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所, 研究员 博导
2014-01~2015-08,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所, 副研究员
2005-06~2013-12,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所, 助理研究员
(1)一种复合氧化物渗硫宽温域润滑薄膜及其制备方法与应用 CN113088885B
(2)一种钼银层状复合材料、其制备方法及应用 CN110872692B
(3)一种耐腐蚀高熵合金薄膜、制备方法及其在海水环境下的应用 CN111441025B
(4)一种耐腐蚀高熵合金氮化物涂层、其制备方法及应用 CN111074224B
(5)一种耐磨防护复合涂层、其制备方法及应用 CN110923605B
(6)用于金属表面的耐高温涂料及其制备方法和用途 CN110294947B
(7)一种氮化渗铬层、其制备方法及应用 CN110714182B
(8)一种PbO-Cr-(2)O-(3)共掺杂薄膜及其制备方法与应用 CN111334769B
(9)二硫化钼/二硫化钨多层掺钽薄膜及其制备方法与应用 CN111621745B
(10)用于金属表面腐蚀防护的氮化硼复合薄膜、其制法与应用 CN110453195B
(11)二硫化钼基掺杂陶瓷相多元复合薄膜及其制备方法与应用 CN112251726B
(12)用于金属表面的纳米耐高温涂料及其制备方法和用途 CN110294946B
(13)一种二硫化钼掺银的硫化薄膜及其制备方法与应用 CN112210753B
(14)高温自润滑Mo-V-N复合涂层、其制备方法及应用 CN110318020B
(15)一种耐高温吸波涂料及其制备方法与应用 CN110358334B
(16)一种基体表面耐气蚀耐冲蚀的涂层及其制备方法 CN106349771B
(17)一种VAlTiCrSi高熵合金薄膜及其在海水环境下的应用 CN109913771B
(18)NiSiAlY涂层、其制备方法与应用 CN110158041B
(19)纳米多层活塞环涂层及其制备方法与应用 CN108070858B
(20)纳米多层氮化硅陶瓷涂层、其制备方法与应用 CN108265272B
(21)一种二硫化钼/铅钛合金纳米多层薄膜及其制备方法 CN106521441B
(22)空调压缩机零部件表面的强韧润滑复合薄膜及其制备方法 CN102744930B
(23)一种基体表面的超厚CrSiBN复合涂层及其制备方法 CN102825855B
1. Effect of laser remelting on copper‑nickel alloy coating prepared by extreme high-speed laser cladding, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023. 通讯作者
2. Effect of stress loading on hot salt corrosion behavior of TiAlTaN/CrAlN multilayer coatings, Corrosion Science, 2023.通讯作者
3. Effect of multi-doping on the tribological behavior of MoN (Ag)-based films in a wide temperature range, Journal of Materials Science 2023.通讯作者
4. Density-functional theory study of point defect formation and diffusion in α-alumina and effects of applied strain and alloy doping, materialstoday communications, 2023.通讯作者
5. Robust macroscale superlubricity enabled by tribo-induced structure evolution of MoS2/metal superlattice coating, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2022.通讯作者
6. Study on Tribological Properties of Oxygen-doped High Entropy Alloy Coating Against Brush Wires at High temperature, Journal of Tribology, 2022.通讯作者
7. Corrosion assessment of passivation film generated on solder surface in artificial sweat solution, materialstoday communications, 2022.通讯作者
8. NaCl-induced hot-corrosion behavior of TiAlN single-layer and TiAlN/Ti multilayer coatings at 500° C, Materials Today Communications, 2022.通讯作者
9. Oxidation and hot corrosion behaviors of MAX-phase Ti3SiC2, Ti2AlC, Cr2AlC, Ceramics International, 2022.通讯作者
10. Effects of phase transition on tribological properties of amorphous VAlTiCrSi high-entropy alloy film by magnetron sputtering, Materials Characterization, 2022.通讯作者
11. Anomalous enhancement oxidation of few-layer MoS2 and MoS2/h-BN heterostructure Nano Research 2022.通讯作者
12. Effect of Zr, Ti, Ta and Mo addition on high-temperature oxidation and hot corrosion behavior of NiAlY alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022.通讯作者
13. Anti-friction mechanism of VAlTiCrMo high-entropy alloy coatings through tribo-oxidation inducing layered oxidic surface, Tribology International, 2022. 通讯作者
14. Effect of Pt-doping on the oxidation behaviors of the γ'-Ni3Al and β-NiAl phases in the NiSiAlY alloy, Corrosion Science, 2022. 通讯作者
15. Phase transformation in the subsurface of case carbonitrided bearing steels under rolling contact fatigue, Tribology International, 2022.通讯作者
16. Adaptive VAlCN-Ag composite and VAlCN/VN-Ag multilayer coatings intended for applications at elevated temperature, Journal of Materials Science volume 2022.通讯作者
17. Tribological Properties of Alkylated Reduced Graphene Oxide as Lubricant Additive, Tribology International, 2022. 通讯作者
18. Insight into the high-temperature tribological mechanism of VAlTiCrW high entropy alloy film: AlV3O9 from tribochemistry, Friction,2022.通讯作者
19. Effect of Carbon and Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of VAlTiCrSi High-Entropy Alloy Films, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022.通讯作者
20. Microstructure and corrosion behavior of AlCrTiV-X (X = Cu, Mo, CuMo) high-entropy alloy films in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution, Surfaces and Interfaces, 2021.通讯作者
21. Improved oxidation and hot corrosion resistance of the NiSiAlY alloy at 750 ℃, materials today communications, 2021. 通讯作者
22. Tribological Performance and Mechanism of MoN/VN Multilayer Films with Different Modulation Periods at Different Temperature, Tribology Letters, 2021.通讯作者
23. Improved oxidation and hot corrosion resistance of Ta-doped NiAlY alloy at 750°C, Materials and corrosion, 2021.通讯作者
24. Superhydrophobic and smart MgAl-LDH anti-corrosion coating on AZ31 Mg surface, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2021.通讯作者
25. A novel design by constructing MoS2/WS2 multilayer film doped with tantalum toward superior friction performance in multiple environment. Journal of Materials Science 2021.通讯作者
26. Study of NaCl-induced hot-corrosion behavior of TiN single-layer and TiN/Ti multilayer coatings at 500° C, Corrosion Science, 2021. 通讯作者
27. MoS2/WS2 Nanosheet-Based Composite Films Irradiated by Atomic Oxygen: Implications for Lubrication in Space, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021.通讯作者
28. Structure and high-temperature tribological properties of Pb-Cr-O composite films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering, Ceramics International, 2021.通讯作者
29. Fabrication of bio-based amphiphilic hydrogel coating with excellent antifouling and mechanical properties, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.通讯作者
30. Passivation behavior of VAlTiCrSi amorphous high-entropy alloy film with a high corrosion-resistance in artificial sea water, Applied Surface Science 2021. 通讯作者
31. Investigating the tribological and corrosive properties of MoS2/Zr coatings with the continuous evolution of structure for high-humidity application, Applied Surface Science, 2021. 通讯作者
32. Structural Phase Transformation in Amorphous Molybdenum Disulfide during Friction, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021.通讯作者
33. Anticorrosive properties and rust conversion mechanism of phytic acid‐based surface tolerant coating, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021. 通讯作者
34. A novel design of VAlTiCrCu/WC alternate multilayer structure to enhance the mechanical and tribo-corrosion properties of the high-entropy alloy coating, Materials Characterization, 2021.通讯作者
35. Corrosion and tribocorrosion behavior of W doped DLC coating in artificial seawater, Diamond & Related Materials 2020.通讯作者
36. Microstructure and mechanical properties of a CrCN/Cr multilayer film, Materials Research Express, 2020.通讯作者
37. A new insight into the NaCl-induced hot corrosion mechanism of TiN coatings at 500° C, Corrosion Science 2020.通讯作者
38. Effects of nitriding on the microstructure and properties of VAlTiCrMo high-entropy alloy coatings by sputtering technique, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020.通讯作者
39. Influence of microstructure on tribological properties and corrosion resistance of MoS2/WS2 films, Ceramics International, 2020.通讯作者
40. Friction Performance and Mechanism of the Molybdenum Disulfide Film in Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2020. 通讯作者
41. Insights into friction properties and mechanism of self-lubricating MoVN–Ag films at high temperature, Vacuum, 2020.通讯作者
42. Integrated Dual-Functional ORMOSIL Coatings with AgNPs@rGO Nanocomposite for Corrosion Resistance and Antifouling Applications, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020.通讯作者
43. Microstructure and tribological properties of Cu-doped VCN films: The role of Cu, Applied Surface Science, 2020.通讯作者
44. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Mo-V-N films by reactive magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020.通讯作者
45. The superlattice structure and self-adaptive performance of C–Ti/MoS2 composite coatings, Ceramics International,2020.通讯作者
46. Effect of aluminum concentration on microstructure and evolution behavior of oxide layer on NiAlSiY coating at 500 ℃, Corrosion Science, 2020. 通讯作者
47. Friction and wear behavior of CrN coating on 316L stainless steel in liquid sodium at elevated temperature,Tribology International, 2020. 通讯作者
48. Improving scratch-resistance and wear-resistance of VN film by deep cryogenic treatment with liquid nitrogen, Surface Engineering, 2020. 通讯作者
49. Enhanced Aqueous Epoxy Composite Coating Derived from Sustainable Cardanol Resource for Corrosion Protection, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2019.通讯作者
50. Tribo-corrosion behavior of VAlTiCrCu high-entropy alloy film, Materials Characterization, 2019.通讯作者
51. Effect of multicomponent doping on the structure and tribological properties of VN-based coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019.通讯作者
52. Effect of heat treatment on structure and properties of molybdenum nitride and molybdenum carbonitride films prepared by magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019.通讯作者
53. High humidity and high vacuum environment performance of MoS2/Sn composite film,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019.通讯作者
54. Novel nitrogen doped carbon dots enhancing the anticorrosive performance of waterborne epoxy coatings, Nanoscale Adv., 2019. 通讯作者
55. Revealing the failure mechanism and designing protection approach for MoS2 in humid environment by first-principles investigation,Applied Surface Science,2019.通讯作者
56. Structural design of MoS2-based coatings toward high humidity and wide temperature, Journal of Materials Science, 2019.通讯作者
57. Study on atmospheric tribology performance of MoS2–W films with self-adaption to temperature, Ceramics International, 2019.通讯作者
58. A feasible method for the fabrication of VAlTiCrSi amorphous high entropy alloy film with outstanding anti-corrosion property, Applied Surface Science, 2019.通讯作者
59. Synthesis of a new orthorhombic form of diamond in varying-C VN films: Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties, Applied Surface Science, 2019. 通讯作者
60. Thermodynamics and kinetics of an oxygen adatom on pristine and functionalized graphene: insight gained into their anticorrosion properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019.通讯作者
61. Barrier mechanism of nitrogen-doped graphene against atomic oxygen irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 2019. 通讯作者
62. Anticorrosive performance of waterborne epoxy coatings containing attapulgite/graphene nanocomposites, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 2019.通讯作者
63. Improved tribological property of VN film with the design of pre-oxidized layer, Ceramics International, 2019.通讯作者
64. An organic/inorganic composite multi-layer coating to improve the corrosion resistance of AZ31B Mg alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2019.通讯作者
65. Interfacial Molecular Deformation Mechanism for Low Friction of MoS2 Determined Using ReaxFF-MD Simulation. Ceramics International, 2019.通讯作者
66. N-doping of graphene: toward a long-term corrosion protection of Cu. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018.通讯作者
67. First-Principles Investigation on the Tribological Properties of h-BN Bilayer Under Variable Load. Tribology Letters, 2018. 通讯作者
68. Corrosion resistance and antifouling activities of silver-doped CrN coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering. Surface and coating technology, 2018.通讯作者
69. Barrier mechanism of multilayers graphene coated copper against atomic oxygen irradiation. Applied Surface Science, 2018. 通讯作者
70. Tribological properties of synthetic base oil containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane grafted graphene oxide,RSC Advances,2018.通讯作者
71. A comparative study of tribological characteristics of hydrogenated DLC film sliding against ceramic mating materials for helium applications, Applied Surface Science, 2018. 通讯作者
72. Improving the tribological and corrosive properties of MoS2-based coatings by dual-doping and multilayer construction, Applied Surface Science, 2018. 通讯作者
73. Exploring the low friction of diamond-like carbon films in carbon dioxide atmosphere by experiments and first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 2018.通讯作者
74. Performance evaluation of mercapto functional hybrid silica sol–gel coating and its synergistic effect with f-GNs for corrosion protection of copper surface, RSC Advances, 2018.通讯作者
75. Adhesive transfer at copper/diamond interface and adhesion reduction mechanism with fluorine passivation: A first-principles study. Carbon, 2018.通讯作者
76. Tribological properties of attapulgite/La2O3 nanocomposite as lubricant additive for a steel/steel contact, RSC Advances, 2018.通讯作者
77. Low-friction carbon-based tribofilm from poly-alpha-olefin oil on thermally oxidized Ti6Al4V, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018.通讯作者
78. Multilayer Regulation of Atomic Boron Nitride Films to Improve Oxidation and Corrosion Resistance of Cu, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017. 通讯作者
79. Functional regulation of Pb-Ti/MoS2 composite coatings for environmentally adaptive solid lubrication. Applied Surface Science 2017. 通讯作者
80. Improved adaptability of polyaryl-ether-ether-ketone with texture pattern and graphite-like carbon film for bio-tribological applications. Applied Surface Science, 2017.通讯作者
81. Tribological performance of CrN and CrN/GLC coated components for automotive engine applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017. 通讯作者
82. An in situ approach to robust superhydrophobic carbon-based film. Surf. Interface Anal. 2016.通讯作者
83. Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of super-thick diamond-like carbon films deposited on stainless steel in NaCl solution. Surf. Interface Anal. 2016.第一作者
84. A feasible multilayer structure design for solid lubricant coatings in a lunar environment. RSC Adv., 2016.第一作者
85. The corrosion behaviors of multilayer diamond-like carbon coatings: influence of deposition periods and corrosive medium. RSC Adv., 2016. 通讯作者
86. Effects of WC phase contents on the microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors of WC/a-C superlattice coatings. Applied Surface Science, 2015.第一作者
87. Improving tribological properties of titanium alloys by combining laser surface texturing and diamond-like carbon film. Tribology International, 2015.通讯作者
88. Synthesis and characterization of low-friction Al-DLC films with high hardness and low stress. Journal of Composite Materials 2015.第一作者
89. Study of tribological mechanisms of carbon-based coatings in antiwear additive containing lubricants under high temperature. RSC Adv., 2015. 通讯作者
90. Fabrication of novel graphene–fullerene hybrid lubricating films based on self-assembly for MEMS applications. Chemical Communication, 2014.第一作者
91. Controlled Water-adhesion and Electrowetting of Conducting Hydrophobic Graphene/carbon Nanotubes Composite Films on Engineering Materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013. 第一作者
92. Formation and tribological properties of two-component ultrathin ionic liquid films on Si. Surface and Interface Analysis, 2011. 第一作者
93. Micro/nano-tribological behaviors of crown-type phosphate ionic liquid ultrathin films on self-assembled monolayer modified silicon. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2011. 第一作者
94. Preparation and Tribological Study of Functionalized Graphene-IL Nanocomposite Ultrathin Lubrication Films on Si Substrates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011. 第一作者
95. Preparation and characterization of ultrathin dual-layer ionic liquid lubrication film assembled on silica surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011. 第一作者
96. Tribology study of dual-layer ultrathin ionic liquid films with bonded phase: Influences of the self-assembled underlayer. Colloid Surface A, 2010. 第一作者
97. 宽温域低摩擦涂层研究现状, 中国表面工程, 2022.通讯作者
98. MoS2/WS2复合薄膜的环境适应性和摩擦学性能 中国机械工程学会, 2022.通讯作者
99. Ag、Cu掺杂MoCN薄膜结构及摩擦性能的研究, 表面技术. 2021.通讯作者
100. 航天功能防护涂层设计与调控, 宇航材料工艺. 2021.第一作者
101. 无氢类金刚石薄膜表面H2O和O2分子共同作用的第一性原理计算,摩擦学学报,2019.通讯作者
102. 界面调控对类金刚石碳基薄膜/铜摩擦副摩擦学行为的影响,摩擦学学报, 2018. 通讯作者
103. 石墨烯基二维材料改性防腐涂料研究进展, 中国材料进展, 2018.通讯作者
104. 南海海洋大气环境二硫化钼纳米多层薄膜摩擦学行为研究, 摩擦学学报,2018.通讯作者
105. Cr掺杂类金刚石碳基薄膜在发动机油环境下的摩擦学机制,材料研究学报,2017.通讯作者
106. 碳基和氮化物基涂层的摩擦-腐蚀交互行为的原位研究,摩擦学学报,2015.通讯作者
107. 多尺度强韧化碳基润滑薄膜的研究进展,中国表面工程,2014.第一作者
108. 石墨烯摩擦学及石墨烯基复合润滑材料的研究进展,摩擦学学报,2014.第一作者
109. 离子液体/织构化类金刚石碳复合润滑薄膜的构筑及其摩擦学性能的研究,摩擦学学报,2012.第一作者
(1)石墨烯改性功能涂层, 科学出版社, 2022
(2)Multifunctional surfaces for tribologic applications, Pan Stanford publishing, 2015-04,
(3) 类金刚石碳基薄膜材料, 科学出版社, 2015-11
(4) 先进碳材料科学与功能应用技术, 科学出版社, 2016-09
- 空间机构长寿命高可靠齿轮传动系统关键技术 国家重点研发计划 项目负责
- 快堆高韧抗辐照合金表面强化与耐蚀一体化关键技术 浙江省尖兵计划 项目负责
- 空间强辐照环境下XXX薄膜制备技术 民用航天 项目负责
- XXX高可靠性球和滚子轴承研制 配套科研项目 课题负责
- 海洋环境高温及宽温域低摩擦涂层的自适应机制研究 浙江省杰青 项目负责
- 滚动轴承服役性能演变机理与数字化设计方法 国家重点研发计划 课题负责
- 航天火工分离用固体润滑涂层减摩机理与溅射工艺 国家自然科学基金航天联合重点项目 项目负责(结题A)
- XXX航天发射场长效腐蚀防护体系研究 中科院重点部署项目 项目负责
- 强韧化高熵合金/陶瓷复合薄膜仿生微结构设计及磨蚀机理研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 项目负责(结题A)
- 关键摩擦副XXX涂层摩擦学原理与制造技术基础 两机重大专项 课题负责
- 石墨烯重防腐涂料工程示范及应用 中科院科技服务网络计划项目 项目负责
- 碳基固-液复合润滑膜及空间环境适应性协同润滑机制 浙江省自然科学重点基金 项目负责
- XXX锥齿轮高承载润滑涂层 配套科研项目 项目负责
- 二维纳米材料在多重空间耦合环境因素下的原子氧阻隔效应研究 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目 课题负责
- 深空环境自适应、海洋环境自修复功能薄膜制备技术 基础科研计划 课题负责
- 涉钠设备表面处理及涂层研发 中国原子能研究院 项目负责人
- XXX抗冲击振动强热与润滑一体化薄膜技术 中科院重点部署项目 课题负责
- 沙尘环境下高耐磨类金刚石碳基复合润滑薄膜的设计与应用研究 中科院西部之光 项目负责
- 石墨烯基低维碳/离子液体纳米复合薄膜的构筑及微/钠摩擦学增强效应 国家自然科学基金青年项目 项目负责(结题A)
范军 材料物理化学 博士研究生
范昕 材料科学与工程 博士研究生(第二导师)
蔡世洋 材料与化工 硕士研究生
陈晨 材料科学与工程 硕士研究生
欧英典 机械工程 硕士研究生(杜玉洁 合作培养)
李瑞雪 材料化工 硕士研究生
课题生:安煜东, 何泽年,宋福磊,张晋丽(卢光明 合作培养),赵丹阳(庞旭明 合作培养),陈青(郭武明 合作培养)曹文涛(王海新 合作培养)
范昕 材料科学与工程 硕士研究生
范军 材料物理化学 硕士研究生
高思琪 材料工程 硕士研究生
课题生:苏煜,马杨杨,蒋港辉,李晓静(周大朋 合作培养),刘雪松,
史彦斌 材料加工工程 博士研究生
黄曼怡 化学工程 硕士研究生
王泽仁 材料加工工程 硕士研究生
课题生:毛云雷,张超志,许浩,吴洋,付正一,张震,栗荣枝,于淼(博士,周大朋 合作培养),杨鹏(毛飞雄 合作培养)
曾春 材料物理与化学 硕士研究生
郑淑璟 材料加工工程 硕士研究生
课题生:伯一舟,陈然,巍垚,陈盛宇,钱建国,王文哲,陈彦军,李立。平静(姜欣 合作培养),颜青青(毛飞雄 合作培养),祝欣宇(赵文杰 合作培养)
田澍 材料学 硕士研究生
课题生:蔡群,王娟,李强, 王凯
张海静 材料工程 硕士研究生